The urbnmapr
provides state, county, and other shapefiles in tibble
format that is compatible to map with ggplot2
. Shapefiles
include Alaska and Hawaii, transformed to be displayed as insets within
the continental United States.
This package is heavily inspired by and derived in part from the fiftystater
package by William Murphy. In contrast, urbnmapr
data frameThere are two methods for accessing map data in
. First, urbnmapr
contains two
data frames, states
, for easily accessing simple state and county map
The states
and counties
tibbles can be used
with geom_polygon()
and coord_map()
to create
base maps of the continental United States, with Alaska and Hawaii
displayed as insets:
states %>%
ggplot(aes(long, lat, group = group)) +
geom_polygon(fill = "grey", color = "#ffffff", size = 0.25) +
coord_map(projection = "albers", lat0 = 39, lat1 = 45)
counties %>%
ggplot(aes(long, lat, group = group)) +
geom_polygon(fill = "grey", color = "#ffffff", size = 0.05) +
coord_map(projection = "albers", lat0 = 39, lat1 = 45)
Second, the function get_urbn_map()
accesses additional
maps including “ccdf”, which includes elided territories roughly
positioned in the direction of their true location, and
“territories_counties”, which includes territories below the continuous
48 states.
ccdf <- get_urbn_map(map = "territories_counties")
ccdf %>%
ggplot(aes(long, lat, group = group)) +
geom_polygon(fill = "grey", color = "#ffffff", size = 0.25) +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-141, -55)) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(24, 50)) +
coord_map(projection = "albers", lat0 = 39, lat1 = 45)
All tibbles include various identifiers to simplify merging data. The
states states
tibble contains state_fips
, and state_name
. The
tibble contains county_fips
, state_fips
, and state_name
. Both tibbles can
be piped into ggplot2
to create a choropleth map.
statedata %>%
left_join(states, by = "state_name") %>%
ggplot(mapping = aes(long, lat, group = group, fill = horate)) +
geom_polygon(color = "#ffffff", size = 0.25) +
coord_map(projection = "albers", lat0 = 39, lat1 = 45) +
labs(fill = "Homeownership rate")
household_data <- left_join(countydata, counties, by = "county_fips")
household_data %>%
ggplot(aes(long, lat, group = group, fill = medhhincome)) +
geom_polygon(color = "#ffffff", size = 0.05) +
coord_map(projection = "albers", lat0 = 39, lat1 = 45)
The function get_urbn_labels()
accesses additional
labels including “ccdf”, which includes elided territories roughly
positioned in the direction of their true location, and
“territories_counties”, which includes territories below the continuous
48 states.
ccdf <- get_urbn_map(map = "ccdf")
ccdf_labels <- get_urbn_labels(map = "ccdf")
ccdf %>%
ggplot() +
geom_polygon(aes(long, lat, group = group),
fill = "grey", color = "#ffffff", size = 0.25) +
geom_text(data = ccdf_labels, aes(long, lat, label = state_abbv), size = 3) +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-141, -55)) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(24, 50)) +
coord_map(projection = "albers", lat0 = 39, lat1 = 45)
works well with the library(urbnthemes)
set_urbn_defaults(style = "map")
statedata %>%
left_join(states, by = "state_name") %>%
ggplot(mapping = aes(long, lat, group = group, fill = horate)) +
geom_polygon(color = "#ffffff", size = 0.25) +
coord_map(projection = "albers", lat0 = 39, lat1 = 45) +
scale_fill_gradientn(labels = scales::percent) +
theme(legend.position = "right",
legend.direction = "vertical",
legend.title = element_text(face = "bold", size = 11),
legend.key.height = unit(.2, "in")) +
labs(fill = "Homeownership rate")
household_data %>%
filter(state_name %in% c("Virginia", "Maryland", "District of Columbia")) %>%
ggplot(aes(long, lat, group = group, fill = medhhincome)) +
geom_polygon(color = "#ffffff", size = 0.05) +
coord_map(projection = "albers", lat0 = 39, lat1 = 45) +
scale_fill_gradientn(labels = scales::dollar) +
theme(legend.position = "right",
legend.direction = "vertical",
legend.title = element_text(face = "bold", size = 11),
legend.key.height = unit(.25, "in")) +
labs(fill = "Median household income")