educationdata - Retrieve Records from the Urban Institute's Education Data Portal API
Allows R users to retrieve and parse data from the Urban Institute's Education Data API <https://educationdata.urban.org/> into a 'data.frame' for analysis.
Last updated 6 months ago
7.30 score 86 stars 58 scripts 368 downloadsurbnmapr - State and county shapefiles in sf and tibble format
Provides state and county shapefiles in 'sf' and 'tibble' format that is compatible to map with 'ggplot2'. Shapefiles include Alaska and Hawaii, transformed to be displayed as insets within the continental United States. Heavily inspired by and derived in part from the fiftystater package <https://cran.r-project.org/package=fiftystater> by William Murphy.
Last updated 6 years ago
6.93 score 143 stars 596 scriptsurbnthemes - Additional theme and utilities for "ggplot2" in the Urban Institute style
Align "ggplot2" output more closely with the Urban Institute Data Visualization style guide <https://urbaninstitute.github.io/r-at-urban/graphics-guide.html>.
Last updated 3 years ago
5.36 score 79 stars 290 scripts